Our forests, our communities, our future

Early Years (1992 - 2007)

Soil and Water


Benchmark Soils: Maintenance of Permanent Sample PlotsH. Krause


Summary of Water Quality Sampling: The Kennebecasis River Classification ProjectKennebecasis Watershed Restoration Committee

Determining the Areas Cut for Each First Order Forest CatchmentF-R Meng, K.Pugh and P. Arp

Washademoak Lake – Canaan River Watershed Study: A SummaryWashademoak Environmentalists

Analysis of Aquatic Habitat and Fish Population Data for FMF SteamsWatershed Technologies

Effects of Forest Harvesting on Basin Wide Water Yield in Relation of % of  Watershed Cut: A Review of LieteratureB. Stanley and P. Arp

Soil Disturbance during Forest Harvesting and Renewal - H. Krause, M. Steeves and P. Arp

The Creation of a Pedo-Climatic Map and the Development of the CanSIS-INTERPN 2000 Interpretation Model for Agricultural Crops and Forest Tree Production in New Brunswick

Fundy Model Forest Research Grant for 2001-2002 Watershed Group SupportS. Dalton

Organic Horizon Thickness: An Indicator of Sustainable Forest Management in the Maritime Provinces – T. Mahendrappa and C. Pitt

Aquatic Habitat Assessment, Eco-reach Identification and Fish Production Potential within the FMF - F. Cowie


Ward’s Creek Restoration Project: Final Report - Kennebecasis Watershed Restoration Committee

Creel Census 2000 – 2001 - T. Byers, J. MacLaughlin and M. Noddin

Water Quality of the Canaan River 1997 and Its Relationship to the Water Quality of Washademoak LakeR. Rickard


Fundy Model Forest Composite of Water Quality Survey ResultsJ. MacLauglin

Stream Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring within the Hayward Brook Watershed During 2000 - J. Pomeroy

Compliance SurveyJ. Chase

Water Quality and Biodiversity as Assessed Using Macroinvertebrate Analysis in the Grand Lake Eco Region of the FMFA. Chiasson


Protocols for Assessing Water Quality and Aquatic Biodiversity Using Macroinvertebrates - A. Chiasson

Stream Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Within the Hayward Brook Watershed Study During 1993-1999 - J. Pomeroy

Status of Riparian Zones in the Anagance Watershed - K. Pugh

Legislation and Guidelines for the Protection of Water Quality in the FMF, Annotated Bibliography for the FMF on Best Management Practices. Acts, Regulations and Guidelines in NBWood River Enhancement Limited


Protection of Soil Quality for Sustainable Forest Management: Soil Compaction, Erosion and Displacement - H. Krause


Potential Forests of the Fundy Model Forest - V. Zelazny, H. Veen and M. Colpitts


Effect of Riprarian Zone Management on Brook Trout: The Hayward and Holmes Brooks Watershed Study Final Report 1994-1996 - Alyre Chiasson

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